Medical Device Distribution In China

Distributing foreign-branded medical devices in China is Kojima’s core competency. Learn what Kojima can do for your company below.

A One-Stop Distribution Solution For Your Medical Device

From our Hong Kong headquarters and regional offices in Tier 1 cities, Kojima operates a sophisticated one-stop distribution solution for device manufacturers.

For 25+ years, distributing medical devices into China’s hospitals is Kojima’s core competency.

Want to know what determines a good distributor? This is what sets us apart.

Cutting Out Unnecessary Costs

Direct Hospital Sales

Selling imported medical devices directly to hospitals throughout China is Kojima’s primary expertise.

Kojima runs a proven logistics system to get medical devices from the port to hospital operating theaters.

Increasing Our Reach

Sub-Dealer Management

Kojima supplements its direct sales channels with a strict dealer management system to gain greater hospital reach, maximize sales efficiency, and minimize distribution risk.

Kojima ensures a healthy work relationship with all sub-dealers through:

Consistant, Focused Approach

Long Term Commitment

Local distribution companies come and go. But to succeed in China requires a long-term outlook & commitment.

Through the good times & bad, Kojima has remained consistent in marketing our client’s brand and product benefits to all physicians in China.

25 Years In The Making

Strong Industry Relationships

In a country that’s all about ‘who you know, Kojima holds some of the strongest relationships in the industry.

Healthcare workers know they can count of Kojima to not only reliably deliver quality medical devices, but also to provide support when hospitals need it.

And we’ve leveraged these relationships to: